mobile acoustic partiitons

Project: The Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority

Product specified:

3 off Variflex® mobile acoustic partition system (operable walls) VX83 44dB double suspension all with 2600 mm high x up to 9700mm in length finished in Melawood

A number of Aluglass Bautech’s Variflex® mobile acoustic partition systems were installed at TCTA to give an open area the flexibility to create various room sizes for confidential meetings and conferences.  When the full-sized room is required all top-hung elements are easily moved on an overhead track and positioned neatly to one side – requiring no floor tracks. Pass doors were included in the Variflex® system, so that people have easy access into the individual rooms.

The drawing below shows a possible layout of the Variflex® system with parking options at TCTA.

layout example

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